One of the most discussed subjects these days on the internet is how much your driving habits will change this summer with the current gas prices.
Driving through BC yesterday on the Yellowhead No.5 highway from Hope to Edmonton we could not believe how good the prices are when compared to last year. At least a third less of what fuel was last year at this time.
Here are some prices as July 29th. Hope Chevron $.989 per litre, Kamloops Esso $1.014 per litre and the Valemount Petro-Canada $1.059 per litre. All prices seem affordable, especially considering what is going on especially with a carbon tax and climate change issues.
But wait if you go to Edmonton the prices are really affordable when compared to BC. All over the city prices are $.864 per litre. Absolutely incredible, and yet some people here are still complaining especially with the price per barrel being low now compared to the price of gas.